How To Destructure Props In Vue 3 Without Losing Reactivity

Nicky Christensen
Vue.js Developers
Published in
5 min readFeb 20, 2023


If you have been working with Vue 3, you will know that if you destructure props, you will lose reactivity which can be a problem and lead to unexpected issues in your application. Not that long ago, I wrote an article about this which you can read here.

In Vue 3, passing data between components is done through props. When a component receives props, you can destructure them to access the individual pieces of data. However, if you’re not careful, destructuring props can cause the reactivity system in Vue to break as mentioned. In this article, we’ll explore why this happens and how to destructure props in a way that will preserve reactivity.

Why Destructuring Props Can Break Reactivity

Vue’s reactivity system is based on proxies and relies on the fact that it can track which properties of an object are accessed and when they are changed. When a component receives an object as a prop, Vue sets up a reactive getter and setter for each property of that object. This allows Vue to detect when a property is…



Nicky Christensen
Vue.js Developers

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